Maggie Koebele

Maggie Koebele

  • After what felt like hours (but was realistically more like minutes) of rehearsing, we were ready. The stage was set, we all knew our parts and we were ready for an audience. My heart racing: “Will they like it?”, “Will they like me?” But before I could wrestle with my insecurities, the audience got into position: my mom, dad, uncle, aunt, and grandparents took their seats on the basement staircase ready to watch an unforgettable performance.

    Alright, that might be a tad dramatic, but hey, I can’t help that I live for the theatrics of it all! These short “plays” created by my sister, cousins, and myself set the stage for my true passions in life. And while I didn’t realize it then, storytelling would become the backbone of my very own business.

    My passion for the stage never truly left my heart. Whether it was performing in a community theater production of Les Mis, traveling across the world to sing with my college choir, or presenting my research on the Ajanta Caves for my Art History Degree, my need to tell stories runs deep.

    After graduating from the University of St.Thomas in 2015, I set out to develop my professional voice as a Marketing Assistant at TitleSmart, a small title insurance company in the Twin Cities.

    Thankfully, my former employer didn’t dismiss my departure a few years later and embraced the change, becoming one of my first clients when The Social Collective first opened its doors in 2017. That is when Jess entered my life. We hit it off right away, sharing ideas and connecting on our shared passion for customer service, over-the-top experiences, and discovering new ways to do things better.

    Then came a series of unfortunate events, let’s just say they started in March of 2020. During this turbulent time, I turned toward what I thought was security: a job working at an agency in Minneapolis. And while I wouldn’t trade my time there for anything, I always felt like something was missing.

    All these experiences, the ups and downs, the major successes, and even more valuable failures, lead me back home to The Social Collective. A place of storytelling. A space where strong visions can become reality through proven strategies and creative execution.

    Whatever your story is, the way you tell it online can make all the difference, and we can’t wait to get started writing the story of your business together.


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